• 2024 Miniature Golf
  • 2024 Annual Conference
  • Chrisman-High-School

    Chrisman High School, Missouri

  • HHS1

    Dance Performance at the Conference

  • HHS Family Conference

    Hayward High at the Family United Conference

  • 2023 Annual Confernece LBCC
  • 2023 Accomplishments 01
  • 2023 Accomplishments 02
  • Historical-01
  • Historical-02
  • Historical-03
  • Historical-04
  • Historical-05


1. Conference Video Opens New window ( Slides change every 5 secs) Takes most server space 31MB

2. Conference PowerPoint Opens for download PPT file - People would need to have PowerPoint in order to view.

3. Conference PDF - Opens New window- Takes least server space 1.4 MB

4. Conference PDF Embedded in page - Takes least server space 1.4 MB

{aridoc engine="pdfjs" width="800" height="400"}http://npien.com/images/conference/NPIEN%202020%20Awards%20Recipient%20Slides.pdf{/aridoc}

 5. Conference Video Embedded ( Slides change every 5 secs) Takes most server space 31MB

{aridoc engine="iframe" width="800" height="500"}http://npien.com/images/conference/NPIEN%202020%20Awards%20Recipient%20Slides.mp4{/aridoc}

NOTE: Could not embed the PDF version with the tools I currently have. It was too large.


{aridoc engine="iframe" width="600" height="338"}http://npien.com/images/NPIEN2020AwardsRecipients.mp4{/aridoc}

{aridoc engine="iframe" width="600" height="480"}http://npien.com/images/NPIEN2020AwardsRecipients.mp4{/aridoc}